Basically, everything was swell, then malaphus decided to die. As a result, his hosting account crashed, and we lost the wiki. Luckily we have a relatively recent backup, and google cache caught everything, so it should just be a matter to copy+pasting stuff into the wiki.
We did find a new host, and are currently setting stuff up. After some dns issues, we're now onto fixing php. Here is the checklist of things that need to happen for the wiki:
[ ] = to do, [/] or [xx%] = in progress, [x] = done
- Set up server [x]
- Set up mediawiki [x]
- Upload sql dump [x]
- Import sql dump [x]
- Upload images [x]
- Copy content from Google cache [ /]
- Customize (skins, etc) [x] *need to fix logo