Friday, March 7, 2008

Downtime (March 07, 2008)

The most recent downtime has been due to the failure of a 1 TB HD (i no rite). Currently I'm installing and configuring the software on the server. As a result of the downtime, WedTM is saying that he will have the wiki vps backed up to an offsite NAS hourly (win). Here is the progress of the wiki:

Creating disk for VMWare
Loaded freebsd 7
Compiled/configured mysql 5
Compiled/configured apache22
Compiled/configured php5
Compile/configure eaccelerator
Compile/configure memcached
Restore mediawiki files from backup
Restore mediawiki db from backup
Compile/configure php5-extensions
Configure mediawiki for memcached
Various Configuring (/etc/rc.conf, my.cnf, etc)

Extra stuff, e.g. ftp, mailserver

Fix backup system

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