Sunday, June 29, 2008

Here is a quick overview of what has been going on with the wiki.

Basically, everything was swell, then malaphus decided to die. As a result, his hosting account crashed, and we lost the wiki. Luckily we have a relatively recent backup, and google cache caught everything, so it should just be a matter to copy+pasting stuff into the wiki.

We did find a new host, and are currently setting stuff up. After some dns issues, we're now onto fixing php. Here is the checklist of things that need to happen for the wiki:

[ ] = to do, [/] or [xx%] = in progress, [x] = done
  1. Set up server [x]
  2. Set up mediawiki [x]
  3. Upload sql dump [x]
  4. Import sql dump [x]
  5. Upload images [x]
  6. Copy content from Google cache [ /]
  7. Customize (skins, etc) [x] *need to fix logo
GET OFF YOUR ASS AND COPY STUFF FROM GOOGLE CACHE INTO THE WIKI! I will fix the logo and front page tomorrow.


Unknown said...

You should think about turning off anonymous editing and setting a captcha for account creation, at least until you get the wiki rolling again and have more eyes on it. Spambots. You has them.

Unknown said...

You seriously expect us to go through the google cache and put everything back in the wiki just because you couldn't figure out how to keep backups?


Richard Mongler said...

alpha, we were running backups, but we didn't expect the guy who was making the backups TO DIE.

And you don't need to get every backup, but if you come across an article that is outdated, grab stuff from the google cache.